Forms & Information
Below are links to informational resources, including the admissions' application, state-required health forms, permission forms, and other helpful reading material.
Application for Admission
Parents must complete an admission application for the School's review in order for their child to be considered for acceptance into the School's program.
Full Application Forms
A full collection of documents including Permission Agreements, Emergency Medical Permissions, Field Trip Permissions, Photograph Releases, Emergency and Behavior Management Acknowledgements, and Permission for Another Adult to Remove Child from School.
Health & Dental Assessment Records
The State of Connecticut requires these forms to be completed by a legally qualified practitioner of medicine, registered nurse, or physician prior to entering into an early childhood program in Connecticut.
Dress Code
Villa Divino Amore has implemented a dress code for our students. Please adhere to the required dress code as listed in the linked PDF.
Curriculum / Policy Handbook
Informative literature for the parent. Provides the School's history, philosophy, goals, and objectives; School's dress code, medical/dental requirements, and guidelines; School's hours of operation and procedures; daily classroom schedule, routines, emergency closures, school photos, field trips, and special programs.
Program Goals
The Faculty and Staff of Villa Divino Amore Preschool are committed to the education of the whole child; spiritually, academically, emotionally, and physically. In keeping with this commitment, we strive to provide the highest quality of care and learning opportunities for our students, in an atmosphere where spiritual and moral values are evident.

Villa Divino Amore Preschool has two clean and well-organized classrooms with modern equipment. Both classrooms are appropriately designed for our young students with pictures, charts, and posters promoting the visual education of the children. In addition, the classrooms are colorfully decorated throughout the seasons of the year, especially at Christmas, Easter, and other major holidays. Outside, there is a newly renovated play area with modern, state-of-the-art equipment.
Parental Involvement
One of the criteria by which we evaluate potential students is a pledge of parental involvement and participation. Over the years, our School has been grateful for the support of a very active Parents’ Association, which hosts at least one major fundraising activity per year. Various projects throughout the year, large and small, offer an opportunity for the parents to get to know each other as well as the opportunity to be involved in continually improving our School for our students.